Photographers are always looking for outdoor locations for photo shoots. Sometimes we miss the obvious. This Park is located 2 miles and 6 minutes from my park. Due to the landscape and orientation of the park there is golden hour sunsets.
I park is much larger than I thought. I found several shooting locations I had not seen before.
Then entrance is a little confusing. You access the park by turning in the "Environmental Facility" aka a sewage plant.
Here is the link for the actual park, Garrard Landing Park.
Following are the walk around pictures. This is the 2nd week in April so the trees, flowers and grasses are just starting to show.

YES, there is a very nice covered bridge over a small creek.

These are last years grasses, you can see the new grass as the bright green growth.

Nice small pond with great water features.

The covered bridge from a distance

The small Creek, lots of opportunities for pictures.

One of the many walkways.

A great shooting space for the late afternoon sun.

Beautiful tree lined large path.

A Jungle Gym is always fun to shoot

A nice photo location.